Join the Fire Safety Dogs forSparkles' Safety Spot TONIGHT, live on the web! Tonight, we will be talking with the boys and girls about how firefighters are your friends!
In 2003, I started a journey that would take me to a place that I never thought I would go, and it all began with my best friend at the time, Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog. Sparkles and I had 8 wonderful years together after I adopted her from the Dalmatian Assistance League in Tulsa Oklahoma.
I have dedicated my life to helping keep children safe and I am thankful to Sparkles, Spanner (also over the Rainbow Bridge), and now Tango, Siren and Sparkles II for being with me over the years to help do keep children safe from fire.
Without companies like Canidae, PetSmart and our sponsor, First Alert and other sponsors of our programming, including State Farm Insurance, we wouldn't be where we are today.
And while I am thanking people, to those friends on Facebook that have donated to the Keep Kids Fire Safe™ Foundation, your donation helps us in so many ways and we are truly grateful! Not only your donations have been helpful, so have your words of encouragement and support over the years. Thank you!
Again, thank you Canidae and to our new friend, Langley, for writing such an amazing blog post! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
The Fire Safety Dog's recent post on "Sparkles' Kids Zone" on!
Even though it is early in the New Year, we have been very busy!
of our very favorite things we like to do is to host Fire Engineering Talk Radio with Firefighter Dayna. We did a segment
recently and it was extra, extra special! Our show went to the dogs! BOL
(Barking out loud). Tango the Fire Safety Dog and Siren the Fire Safety Dog, along with their friends, some of
the most famous canines and their pet parents in the United States,
spent a fun two and a half hour evening on the program! Each of the
dog’s pet parents shared the incredible work that each of their dogs do
and even shared their favorite safety tips! We had so much fun!
To listen to this interview, click on the button below!
Mountain Doo
In our last column,
we introduced you to our little buddy, Mountain Doo (known and “Doo” to
his friends). Doo is an eighteen week old yellow Labrador retriever and
is learning how to find people that may be lost and hurt. He is also
learning to find people who might have fallen in the lake or fell from a
boat! Doo’s dad, Rob, was trapped in the Joplin tornado in May 2011.
Now, Rob and Doo are going to be helping others that may be trapped!
Mountain Doo and his human, Rob Lewis
Doo and his dad, Rob, training
Doo enjoys training!
We are excited that Doo has his own Facebook page! Please join Doo's page, show the love, and tell him that the Fire Safety Dogs sent you!
We’d like to give a big shout out to our friends at PetSmart. They are helping us share our daily fire safety tips by tweeting!
Here’s one of the fire safety tips that we shared recently:
many of you may live where there is snow this winter, remind the
grown-ups that you live with to make sure that the hydrants are clear of
snow around them in case the fire department needs to come!
It is hard to believe that Siren is a year and half years old! He has grown up so fast!
To read more exciting Sparkles' Kids Zone columns, click HERE.
Join the Fire Safety Dogs on Facebook at, Finnagus Sage at, and Mountain Doo at
Thank you so much to the Courier Democrat for covering the story of Mountain Doo's visit to Arkansas! (Please note that there are a couple of corrections, including that we're members of Johnson County RFD #1 and not the Clarksville Fire Department, and that we represented the Keep Kids Fire Safe Foundation ).
We truly do appreciate Ms. Terry, Principal from Lamar Elementary, for allowing us to come to her school, and to Ms. Bates class for having us! We had the most amazing time with the boys and girls in her class!
Click on the link above to read the article or scan the image below with your smart phone!
Finnagus, "Finn" is a mantrailing dog that works at the Johnson County Sheriff's Office. He and his human, Sue, are a certified man-trailing team. Finn enjoys finding the bad guys and getting cookies.
Mountain Doo, "Doo" is an 19 week old puppy training to be a search and rescue dog. He loves training with his Dad, Rob, and they live in Joplin, Missouri. Rob was trapped in the Joplin Tornado in May 2011, and he wanted to get a puppy so that he could train the puppy to grow up and find people, just like rescue dogs found him in the rubble after the tornado.
Join us as we stream live, February 17th, from 2:30-4:00 (weather permitting), from outside Sparkles' Clubhouse!
Meet Sparkles II on Sparkles' Safety Spot, streamed live from Sparkles' Clubhouse tonight!
Sparkles II was adopted by Firefighter Dayna Hilton, Tango and Siren, and we can't wait to introduce him to everyone!
Chat live or just watch, but be sure to join in the fun HERE, tonight at 7:00 P.M. CST.
Sponsored by First Alert and the Keep Kids Fire Safe Foundation.
My name is Siren the Fire Safety Dog, and I help Firefighter Dayna, Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog and Tango teach fire safety. This is me when I was a wee pup! Now, I am one and a half years old!
Please join me on Facebook at!