Monday, March 30, 2009

Updated Event List

April 16th
Authors and Coffee
6:30 P.M.
Hastings Hardback Cafe
Russellville, Arkansas
April 17th
North Little Rock Schools
April 18th
Arkansas Literary Festival
1:00 P.M.
Historic Arkansas Museum
Little Rock, Arkansas

April 23rd
National Volunteer Fire Council Booth
2:00-5:00 P.M.
Fire Department Instructor's Conference
Indianapolis, Indiana

April 25th
9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Fire Department Instructor's Conference
Indianapolis, Indiana

June 6-9
NFPA Conference
Chicago, Illinois

August 24-28
Fire Rescue International
Dallas, Texas

September or October
Showcase on the Mall
Event Sponsored by the Congressional Fire Services Institute
Home Safety Council Education Pavilion
Washington, DC

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sparkles on "Jakezilla" Blog

Jake~ You and your mom are so cool! Thank you so much for adding my fire safety message to your blog! I just love Sproutlets who are Jr. Firefighters and help me and Firefighter Dayna spread the fire safety message!

Be sure to visit Jake's mom's blog HERE and look for a contest coming really soon on their blog!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Drawing from Amber-Mae, Chloe, Faith and Melissa in Malaysia Arrives

Amber-Mae, Chloe, Faith and Melissa, we love you! Thank you so much for the awesome drawing of me and for your Limited Edition DVD, "Stop" (The proceeds from "Stop" help PAWS dogs and cats for adoption). Visit their page HERE. And if you want to see something really cute, check out Amber's visit to the vet.

Mom loves the drawing and sit hanging right where we can see it when we sit at the computer. : )

If you would like to send us your drawing of Sparkles, we will feature here on our blog!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sparkles on the My Semblance of Sanity "Mommy Blog"

This morning, I'm on my very first "Mommy Blog", My Semblance of Sanity, by Michelle Brownlow. Michelle is helping us reach thousands of moms and their families across the country with the fire safety message. Thanks, Michelle!

Be sure to check out Michelle's blog and you can have a chance to win a "Limited Edition" of my book, Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog. This book is a very special "Limited Edition" and is signed by Firefighter Dayna, Firefighter Michael, and "pawed" by me! You will also receive a First Alert Smoke Alarm, an audio book (made by three generations of firefighters and me) and a Rush and Rescue Firetruck. Does that sound like fun or what? Sparkles

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Check out the March/April issue of FIDO Friendly Magazine

Hey boys and girls! Check out the March/April issue of FIDO Friendly magazine. Click HERE to see a page on the web that mentions the "Features." These features mention Sparkles. I can't wait until this issue hits the stands in Arkansas! Sparkles

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Check out the Little Rock Family Magazine Facebook Page

I made new friends from the Little Rock Family magazine! My new friend, Waynette, contacted Firefighter Dayna and me for a story they are running in the April issue about the Arkansas Literary Festival (we'll be at the festival on the 18th of April). She also put the cover of our book, Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog on their Facebook page. Cool!

Thanks for helping us spread the fire safety message Waynette and everyone at Little Rock Family magazine! High paw!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I just received this picture from Justin Maynard, and I was so excited to get this picture, my tail has been wagging non-stop! Justin's mom wrote on my Facebook Page: "A happy reader and fan of Sparkles, Justin Maynard. He wants to meet Sparkles and give him a big puppy hug!" Justin, I would love to have a big puppy hug and would love to meet you someday! I have my paws crossed! Love, Sparkles